When I look back on my early days of bird-keeping in the late 1950's I recall I seemed to gain as much pleasure from obtaining the materials and building my cages and flights as I did from the other aspects of my bird keeping.Where I lived in those early days, and still do, in South East London a huge re-development of housing was underway, the many streets of little terraced houses were  being demolished to make way for tower blocks, that themselves are now going due to bad architectural and social design.
I lived in one of those streets of terraced houses, fortunately one that at the time did not fall under the planners eye, although now it is long gone and even the street name has disappeared. Much of my free time was spent in searching those empty house awaiting demolition for any materials I could re-cycle into housing for my birds, old wardrobes, cabinets etc. were broken down and transported home on my cart, I  found a surprising amount of chicken wire in the deserted gardens and on one occasion a nearly new garden shed that took ages to break down and transport, but it housed my birds for many years. Anything that looked useable from wooden boxes from the grocers to packing cases from a nearby sign factory were put to use, money was more than tight in those days, my Father died when I was eight, I was the oldest of 4 children my Mother had several jobs that took her away from home for 12 hours a day, just  so we could eat and keep a roof over our heads, so anything beyond that was impossible without a lot of making do with what you could find or earn for yourself.
I was working for a pet shop/bird importer, cleaning cages, feeding animals and birds each evening and the weekends, I rarely came home with any money, it seemed every pay day there was some bird I wanted or seed I needed, Budgerigars gave me a lot of independence in my early days, they were a tremendously popular pet, and as soon as a nest was weaned they were sold, Budgies financed my bird-keeping for a good few years in the late 50's early 60's, Dreaming of pots of money my thoughts turned to the Gouldian Finch and this is the time I obtained my first Bengalese, all I can say is I bred a lot of Bengalese but never had a pocket full of money from my Gouldian endeavours.
Wandered a bit off course there, so back to the reason for this page housing your birds.
It will of course be down to individual circumstances were you choose to house your birds, it may be in a shed in the garden, spare room or custom built bird room, but wherever it is you need to ensure you have control over temperature, humidity and lighting, This means you can ensure it isn't too hot, cold or damp and you can provide adequate lighting, all this is down to thought in your design and there are many books and articles in the fancy press that can greatly assist you in this aspect.But in essence Bengalese are mainly kept in cages if you are interested in breeding with some idea of the parentage of your offspring, here in the UK box type cages as illustrated above are almost universally used, but on my trips to other fanciers bird rooms I have seen all wire cages used especially in the USA and they are fine, most fanciers build or buy the box cages that can be by the use of wooden slides be divided into individual breeding cages at the start of breeding and then used as longer flight cages outside of the breeding season, the usual size for an individual breeding cage is 24ins in length, 15ins in height and 12 ins deep, I'm a stick in the mud and use imperial, metric is not for me, I recommend the above as a minimum size for breeding seen much smaller cages being used, avoid it and make them as big as you can.
 Consider your cage furniture ensure you can easily clean your cages a wooden slide out tray is ideal, your food and water vessels need  to be easy to clean, I recommend outside the cage tubular water fountains, and any dishes be round, easier to keep clean, no corners where dirt can be difficult to clean from. One of the most important pieces is a bath, those that hang on the cage door are ideal,      
Bengalese are avid bathers and a daily bath can only benefit them both in health and condition.
Cages for Bengalese are readily available on the internet from many manufactures although for the average handy person they are easy enough toconstruct, give a lot of consideration to your housing, mistakes can be costly to put right.                 
Jim Warburton

                Jim Warburton